Dipto Das
Researcher, Educator, Engineer, Immigrant
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto
Keywords: HCI, Social Computing, Algorithmic Fairness and Bias, Online Communities, ICT for Development
Here is my Curriculum Vitae
I am a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto, where I work with Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed at the Dynamic Graphics Project Lab and Shion Guha at the Human-Centered Data Science Lab. I am also working as an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Information Science at the University of Colorado Boulder.
I am interested in human-computer interaction and social computing. My prior research explored how sociotechnical systems (e.g., online communities, algorithms, datasets, content moderation) support and impede the identity expression of colonially marginalized and indigenous communities. I am currently seeking to understand:
People's technology-mediated narrative practices regarding contemporary sociopolitical issues
Language technologies' ethics responding to different identities and sociocultural practices
Ways in which computational analyses can inform policies and design
As a mixed-method researcher, I use both qualitative (e.g., trace ethnography, interviews) and quantitative (e.g., machine learning, surveys, statistics) approaches to answer questions that challenge the status quo of computer science. My works often draw on critical theories (e.g., postcolonial, decolonial, feminist) while contributing to conversations on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, and nationality in domains like content creation, platform governance, monetization, healthcare, higher education, immigration, etc. My works have appeared at prestigious Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) venues like CHI, CSCW, and ICTD and have been covered in mainstream media.
PhD in Information Science, University of Colorado Boulder (2024)
MS in Information Science, University of Colorado Boulder (2023)
MS in Computer Science, Missouri State University (2019)
BSEngg in Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (2017)
Selected Publications (full list):
Das et al., Reimagining Communities through Transnational Bengali Decolonial Discourse with YouTube Content Creators (PACMHCI: CSCW 2024)
Das* et al., The Politics of Fear and the Experience of Bangladeshi Religious Minority Communities Using Social Media Platforms (PACMHCI: CSCW 2024), *=co-led
Das et al., The "Colonial Impulse" of Natural Language Processing: An Audit of Bengali Sentiment Analysis Tools and Their Identity-based Biases (CHI 2024)
Das et al., Collaborative Identity Decolonization as Reclaiming Narrative Agency: Identity Work of Bengali Communities on Quora (CHI 2022)
Das et al., "Jol" or "Pani"?: How Does Governance Shape a Platform’s Identity? (PACMHCI: CSCW 2021), Best paper honorable mention (top 5%), Recognition for Diversity & Inclusion.
In Public Press:
Feb '24: The Prothom Alo, "ইউটিউব, ফেসবুকসহ বিভিন্ন মাধ্যমে বাঙালিদের প্রতি বৈষম্য খুঁজে বের করেন দীপ্ত"
Jan '24: The Atlantic, "If There Are No Stupid Questions, Then How Do You Explain Quora?"
Jul '22: XRDS: Crossroads (The ACM Magazine for Students), "Decoloniality in computing: an interview with Dipto Das"
Nov '16: The Daily Star, "Pioneros 2016: Engineers take on the corporate world"
Recent News
August 15, 2024: Started as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto!
July 3, 2024: Our paper (with Bryan Semaan) on the decolonial discourse related to nationalism on YouTube got accepted to CSCW 2024!
June 12, 2024: Defended my dissertation successfully!
May 8, 2024: Got Excellence Awards for Teaching and Contributions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion from CU Boulder GPSG!
May 1, 2024: Got Award of Excellence for Outstanding Research from CU Boulder INFO!
April 19, 2024: Became a permanent resident in the United States of America!
Mar 22, 2024: Our paper (with Mohammad Rifat Rashidujjaman, Robert Soden, Bryan Semaan, and Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed) on religious minority communities' experiences with fear on social media got accepted to CSCW 2024!
Feb 25, 2024: The Prothom Alo (Bangladesh's most circulated daily) has featured me in an article!
Feb 15, 2024: Got a travel grant from CU Boulder GPSG!
Jan 18, 2024: Our paper (with Shion Guha, Jed Brubaker, and Bryan Semaan) on identity bias in NLP tools got accepted at CHI 2024!
Jan 9, 2024: The Atlantic has recently quoted me in an article about Quora.